On August 27, 2019, BKSTI (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri) held a conference with topic “Evaluasi Capaian Pembelajaran Berbasis Outcome Based Education dan Penyetaraan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Kurikulum Teknik Industri Dalam Menyongsong Revolusi Industri 4.0” with keynote speaker Dr. Ho Hwi Chie from Bina Nusantara University. The conference continued with a workshop to equalize RPS (Rencana Pembelajaran Semester) for courses. This activity was held at the Oak Tree Emerald Hotel, Semarang, Central Java.
The courses that were delivered at this workshop is Integrated Practicum by Dr. Anas Ma’ruf (Bandung Institute of Technology), Operational Research by Dr. Andi Cakravastia A.R. (Bandung Institute of Technology), Computer Simulation by Nurhadi S., Ph.D (Sepuluh November Institute of Technology), and Industrial Statistics by Dr. Amelia Santoso. Dr. Amelia is a lecturer in Industrial Engineering at the University of Surabaya. In addition, there were 4 IE lecturers participating in each workshop.