Industrial Engineering University of Surabaya got accreditation A status from BAN-PT on 16 July 2019. IE Ubaya have achieved A status since 1998 and it is renewed every 5 years. The visitation was on 9-10 July 2019. The assessor were Dr. Ir. Sudaryanto, M.Sc and Prof. Dr. Ir. Humala L. Napitupulu, DEA. Information about status A can be seen on the BAN-PT website with number 2381/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019. This accreditation itself is valid since the issuance of the Decree in July 2019 until July 2024.
Achievement of Industrial Engineering Department is a collaboration of various parties ranging from lecturers, students, alumni, and stakeholders involved. This A accreditation value is completed two international accreditation (AUN and IABEE) that have received on 2018 and 2019.